
Basic introduction how to start investing for beginners

How to start investing full beginners guide

Hello , guys welcome to 

Now we are going to continue our series stock market basic info for beginners.

Today we'll discuss how to start investing for beginners. This post helps you to understand, how to begin your journey in the world of investments if you are a beginners & interested  in starting.

To start investing , first, manege the funds for your investment. Next,set clear financial goals, understand the risk and reward involves and last but not least reserch the category in which you want to invest.

Now let's understand each and every guide line to start investing.

Managing the funds.

It's mean that, allocating  the funds for investment from your savings or sellary while doing another expenses of your daily life.

For more simple language, a portion of your salary or saving allocate specifically to investment purpose and if by chance this funds turn into losses then it should not be affecting your dally life .

Set a Clear financial goals.

Setting a clear financial goals in investing means for what purpose didi you want to invest, like for buying house,cars, future retirement and for children future etc.

This helps you for planing wheir have to invest, when have to invest, how much to invest, for how much time to invest and also help you to keep motivated in investing.

Learn the basics.

For starting investment, beginners should learn some basics like risk & return, diversification, research and analysis. This knowledge helps beginners to take decision on investment.

Choose the right investment catagory 

Beginners should also know & choose write instrument in which they have to  invest, like stocks, bonds, mutual funds, commodities and real estate etc.

Because choosing a write instrument can match their funds and situation.

Additional things beginners should follow and Not follow.


  • Be disciplined. 
  • Investment in proper way. 
  • Do proper research and analysis while investing. 
  • Take risk as much you can easily handle. 
  • Always have a back up plan, if you face losses. 
  • Do saving also while doing investment, it's help you if your investment face losses or generating less return. 

Not follow. 

  • Do not do over investment, means do not break your discipline.
  • Don't go on any tips of investment, means do not invest on anyone advice or tip. 
  • Don't take emotional dicision on Mark behaviour, means sometimes market behaviour may be gone opposite to your investment.
  • Do relaxe after done investment, keep always updated  about news of your investment.

This are some things beginners know and learn them. 

And this how beginners can start investing.

Click here for more stock market basic info for beginners.